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The Bolitho School
Choosing the right school for any child is a difficult and major decision. This prospectus is designed to assist you to make that decision. However, it can give you no more than a flavour of The Bolitho School and the immense opportunities we have to offer any boy or girl. We are indeed proud of our past achievements, of what we are doing now, of our plans for the future, and of our facilities. We enjoy showing our school to prospective parents. I hope, therefore, that you will accept my invitation to visit the school and see for yourself what we have to offer.
The Bolitho School is an independent day and boarding school for boys and girls aged 4 to 18, set in several acres of tranquil grounds close too the centre of Penzance. The continuity and stability, which come from attending a school from nursery to sixth form, are to be greatly valued in an ever challenging and changing world. As a relatively small school with just over 300 pupils, we can guide and support everyone, while making appropriate demands of each pupil’s intellect and energy. The greatest compliment paid to us by children, parents, visitors and past pupils, is that we have a warm and unique family atmosphere, which permits both individuality and community to thrive. The Bolitho School is a place where hard work and enjoyment sit comfortably side by side. Our children are busy, dynamic, happy and successful. Among the indicators of success over the years are the very good public examination results achieved by pupils of all abilities.
That our children achieve so much is partly due to the commitment, expertise and dedication of the staff. A school’s most valuable asset is it’s teachers, and here at The Bolitho School we have recruited well-qualified and experienced teaching staff; they are most ably assisted by equally enthusiastic support staff. Staff turnover is very low; this stability ensures continuity, a vital factor in teacher-pupil relationships and in successful learning.
The school’s stated aim is “to bring out the potential of every child, to do so in a Christian environment, and to offer a rounded education that aims at the highest academic standards.” At the heart of the school’s philosophy, lies the belief that children have extraordinary and almost limitless potential in many directions. At The Bolitho School this potential is identified and nourished. We have a successful bilingual section in the school in which children at the age of eight or nine may have one third of their lessons conducted through the French language for six years. To ensure that the children receive a genuinely rounded education, music, art, drama and sports are firmly embedded into the curriculum. A wide menu of activities has been incorporated into the school day, and every pupil is encouraged to participate. We also utilise our six minibuses to offer numerous outings, field trips and expeditions.
Much can be learned about the school by talking to parents and pupils, both past and present. We are confident that they will confirm that The Bolitho School is an outstandingly happy and effective school with an excellent ethos for learning. You can make an appointment to visit us by telephone, fax or e-mail. Successful education occurs when a partnership is forged between school and home, and I very much look forward to meeting you. You are assured of a warm and friendly welcome.
David Dobson BA BPhil MA